chairman of the board of directors of shenzhen municipality huang feng attended the -尊龙棋牌

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chairman of the board of directors of shenzhen municipality huang feng attended the

source:kalif popularity:1567 time:2016-11-15 11:13:25 【】

spring welcome friends, flowers, smiling he event.
april 11 to 12, 2016, henan province, "5 2" economic cooperation activities were held in zhumadian city. more than 20 delegates from henan chamber of commerce in shenzhen, led by more than 300 delegates from more than 30 chambers of commerce at home and abroad, came to visit this beautiful land. plans.

"5 2" economic cooperation activities, from the beginning of 2007 creative implementation, the purpose is to hope that in the "5" (xinyang, nanyang, zhumadian, zhoukou, shangqiu five), henan province, henan province, (henan) and "2" (henan chamber of commerce) to promote the development of the province's huanghuai and southern henan region since the beginning of the event, contributed to a large number of advantages of the implementation of the project's landing, and promoted the cooperation and development of henan commercial organizations.

11 am, 2016 henan province, "5 2" economic cooperation opening ceremony and zhumadian key project promotion will be held in zhumadian hotel in berlin jianguo. before the opening ceremony, the party secretary of zhumadian yu xueyou, deputy secretary of municipal party committee, mayor chen xing met with the shenzhen henan chamber of commerce huang feng and other business representatives.

ninth provincial people's political consultative conference vice president, federation of henan province chamber of commerce chen yichu made an important speech at the meeting. he said that in recent years, active and innovative way of organizing activities, efforts to innovation and development, to seek a win-win situation to achieve new breakthroughs, activities focus on "universal and focus", "inspection and cooperation". it is hoped that all activities will be carried out in a pragmatic and sincere manner, in a spirit of sincerity and in good faith, so as to make new contributions to the prosperity and development of the regional economy.

zhumadian party secretary yu xueyou at the meeting on the arrival of a warm welcome. he said: through the "5 2" economic cooperation platform, promote a number of advantages of cooperation and development projects, zhumadian has thus become one of the most profitable cities. sincerely hope that with this platform, and further deepen the pragmatic cooperation between the organizations and strive to achieve innovation and development, cooperation and win-win goal. activities, deputy mayor of zhumadian li guosheng around the city's agricultural and sideline products intensive processing, machinery and equipment manufacturing, light industry and textile, bio-medicine and chemical industry, new strategic industries and modern service industry development for key investment promotion projects.

on the morning of april 12, delegation of henan chamber of commerce of henan province, accompanied by xie fengming, vice chairman of the cppcc of zhumadian city and zhao zhongheng, executive vice president of henan chamber of commerce, went to xiping county and suiping county for a study tour. bianzu ancestor worship ancestors ceremony in xiping county leizu culture court was held, i will participate in the delegation to worship the ancestral ceremony, to worship the human female ancestors, promote the chinese culture. visited the suiping county stanley chemical fertilizer (suiping) co., ltd., innovative thoughts frozen food projects, crystal-hong optoelectronics technology co., ltd., and so on, and so on. ground. every place, we are in-depth production workshop and project site, a serious understanding of the project construction and industrial development, from xiping to suiping, we were pleasantly surprised and excited. from the well-equipped, easily accessible industrial clusters and in full swing, methodical factory workshop, to the tower crane, machine roar of the construction site, the project building numerous fruits, so that customers feel the rapid development of zhumadian city, the sky showing a piece of land vibrant scene!

shenzhen, henan chamber of commerce chairman huang feng, vice president zheng jun in henan tv, zhumadian television interview to talk about their feelings. huang feng said that this time to participate in "5 10 2 economic cooperation" activities. feel benefit! the event is very meaningful! leaders from the local government of our enthusiasm can see their hometown construction of the desire and efforts! through the visit, the entrepreneur representatives have some initial investment intentions, some are still in-depth study, research, for the substantive docking to do some preparatory work. after we will continue to work with entrepreneurs often come to zhumadian more walk to see for the construction of home to make their own contribution! zheng jun to the rapid changes in his hometown also deep feelings, he said: as zhumadian people, i feel very honored! home is always worried about us! i will learn more about the investment environment, investment projects, investment policy, the good project back, return home.

it is reported that this year's henan province, "5 2" economic cooperation activities held in zhumadian city, is the largest number of participants, the largest one, whether leaders attach importance to the meeting organization, or the level of participation and innovation, have created the previous organized new highlights. after two days of inspection and docking, in henan province in 2016 "5 2" economic cooperation activities successfully completed the agenda, in the afternoon of april 12 in zhumadian closing ceremony and project signing ceremony, signed a total of 22 projects with a total investment of 107.9 billion, has made previous activities signed a new breakthrough in investment and cooperation projects.

in the closing ceremony, the former secretary of the henan provincial committee, the provincial people's congress standing committee, the central marxist theoretical research and construction project advisory committee director xu guangchun, executive vice chairman of the cppcc henan province, deputy party secretary shi jichun speech. vice chairman of henan provincial people's political consultative conference, vice chairman of the provincial federation of industry and commerce liang jing, vice chairman of henan province ninth cppcc, henan chamber of commerce chen yichu, deputy director of henan provincial committee of the cppcc zhu pingqiu, xu jinzhu, zhumadian party secretary yu xueyou, zhumadian secretary, mayor chen xing attended the meeting. provincial chamber of commerce executive vice president zhao zhongheng presided over the meeting. xinyang city vice mayor zhang mingchun on behalf of xinyang city made a speech at the general assembly. it is reported that in 2017, "5 2" economic cooperation activities will be held in xinyang city.
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